Collection of work inspired in Sacred Geometry shapes such as the Platonic Solids, Archimedian Solids Sierpinski's Pyramid and Fibonacci's sequence
Garden Delight 2022
Spira Mirabilis - Consulado Argentino en NY 2022
A logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral, or growth spiral is a self-similar spiral curve that often appears in nature. The logarithmic spiral was first described by Descartes and later extensively investigated by Bernoulli who called it  "the marvelous spiral". the distances between the turnings of a logarithmic spiral increase in geometric progression. the spira mirabilis has evolved in nature, appearing in certain growing forms such as nautilus shells and sunflower heads.
iLLUSiONAL at Chashama Union Square, 2021
EMBCL Exhibition - Flux Factory Gallery 2018
Icosahedron at Paradice Palase 2019
Sierpinski's Pyramid - Modern Love Gallery 2019
Honeycomb - The Plaxall Gallery 2019
Sierpinksi's - 440 Gallery 2019
Ceremonia de Reencuentro at Yapeyu, Buenos Aires, 2019
Flux Factory - J Triangular film - LIC, NY 2017
Lights over Sierpinski
Wilder LIC Group Exhibition, Windmill Community Garden, LIC, NY 2019
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